Thursday, January 10, 2013

Still waiting...

Well we closed out the year with another upset. We decided to give IUI another shot and it didnt work, so New Years Day brought a new cycle :( what a way to start the year. We are now saving for InVitro. Our plan is to do IVF in November, so we are taking this break as a time to get healthy and mentally prepare for the "last step". I never thought we would be at this point, where IVF was our last chance. We also decided after a situation at our clinic that we are going to switch to a different fertility clinic all together. When you call into the office on New Years Eve as instructed by your nurse and they won't put your call through because they have shortened hours and "it's not an emergency" according to them, it makes you want to scream.  So, we decided enough was enough we had given them enough of our money and time. When researching the statistics on InVitro success rates here in Indiana we found that the new clinic actually has the highest success rates in the state. We are going to meet our new Dr in March, we are both excited for a fresh start! Last night we watched a movie that I have been wanting to see and I'm sooooo glad we decided to wait until it came out on DVD because I bawled my eyes out. The Odd Life of Timothy Greene is an amazing movie about a couples struggles with infertility and their hope and desire for a child. I was an emotional wreck last night after watching it. I needed a good cry, I highly recommend it for anyone going through this journey. It's so hard to stay positive and have hope, I never thought we would be at this point in our journey with still no baby. Praying that 2013 is a much better year for us and that we will finally get pregnant and stay pregnant!

"Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying." Romans 12:12

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Meeting with RE

Yesterday we had a meeting with our RE (reproductive endocrinologist) in Indy. They like you to meet with the dr once you've reached 4 IUIs to assess where to go next. He told us we are kind of at a point we can go either way, do another IUI ($3500) or move onto IVF ($15,000+). We don't exactly know what to do yet. It's such a scary unknown. Ryan and I have talked and talked about it and we still aren't 100% what to do, with IVF there are different packages and options to choose and choosing which one is going to be best is crazy!!! We got pregnant twice doing IUI, had one chemical pregnancy and one miscarriage, so I don't know whether to give it one more shot or not. I just wish someone would say, do this it will work! I feel like this is the biggest decision and I'm scared to make the wrong one, $15,000+ is a LOT of money. I wish we knew someone who had been through this and could be a sounding board, but unfortunately we don't. What to do?!?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Lets start at the very beginning...

I can't believe I'm finally going to start blogging! I LOVE reading blogs but just didn't know if I really wanted my own. So here goes nothing! Ryan and I were a blind date that actually worked, i knew on our first date, 12/20/2007 that I couldn't wait to learn more about him. We dated for a year and were engaged in January of 2009. We've been married for three years now and have loved every minute of being married.  He is truly my best friend and my rock. We knew the day we got married that we were ready for a family and decided to start trying immediately, well God had a different plan. We are still childless and have been seeing a reproductive endocrinologist for over two and a half years, and suffer from unexplained infertility. We have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on tests, treatments, medicine, and procedures which have resulted in two miscarriages this year. We know that God has a plan for us, we are praying for our miracle! Hence our blog name "Waiting for you". We will continue to fight for our future and do whatever it takes to have a family! We are hoping to use the blog as a scrapbook for our future, a way to always look back on the journey to one day becoming parents.
